Saturday, August 29, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Letting Go ! 放开!
放开是永恒的, 一辈子的, 无限的. 但拥有只是短暂, 试问有谁愿意放下所有的东西, 并将拥有的施舍出来? 失而复得的东西就是你的! 失去了不再回来就不是你的, 凡是要放下, 放开. 放下时可能有舍不得, 但拥有时却不好好珍惜. 放开, 我们可得到永久的知识; 千年的回忆; 坚强的意志. 世界伟大的发明家, 哲学家, 思想家, 他们就是了解这道理, 所以才能创造奇迹.
Letting go those past event, no matter is death, sadness, unforgetable memory.
Letting go make you grow up, bcum more confident, more resillent, more dilligence.
Keeping as much make you bcum selfish, hate socialise and create a barrier between you and the world.
The only way of letting go - kindness, happiness, regret and so on
Kindness is the most effective destroyer of barriers between individuals and nation.
Every smile, every kind word, every thoughtful act will have an effect - not only on others but also on yourself.
Regrets are kind thoughts that we didnt put into action.
Others lk forgiveness and love will discussed next.
Letting go those past event, no matter is death, sadness, unforgetable memory.
Letting go make you grow up, bcum more confident, more resillent, more dilligence.
Keeping as much make you bcum selfish, hate socialise and create a barrier between you and the world.
The only way of letting go - kindness, happiness, regret and so on
Kindness is the most effective destroyer of barriers between individuals and nation.
Every smile, every kind word, every thoughtful act will have an effect - not only on others but also on yourself.
Regrets are kind thoughts that we didnt put into action.
Others lk forgiveness and love will discussed next.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
今天是乞巧节 ...
乞巧节的原由,习俗,歌谣等, 请到以下网址 http://baike.baidu.com/view/23307.htm.
乞巧节的原由,习俗,歌谣等, 请到以下网址 http://baike.baidu.com/view/23307.htm.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Life Is Too Short,
Break The Rules, Forgive Quickly,
Kiss Slowly, Love Truly,
Laugh Uncontrollably,
And Never Regret Anything
That Made You Smile.
Life May Not Be The Party
We Hoped For,
But While We ' re Here, We Should Dance...
Break The Rules, Forgive Quickly,
Kiss Slowly, Love Truly,
Laugh Uncontrollably,
And Never Regret Anything
That Made You Smile.
Life May Not Be The Party
We Hoped For,
But While We ' re Here, We Should Dance...
Colors (adds)
Energy body has aura in different colors.... the colors have their own meaning.
RED- anger, strength, power, vitality
BLUE - intuition, communication
PURPLE - spiritual attainment, mystical understanding, enlightenment
GREEN- Mid-green: healing and calming; Light green: versatility; Dark green: jealows
INDIGO- wisdom, inspiration, creativity
taken from "Heal Yourself" by Anne Jones
RED- anger, strength, power, vitality
BLUE - intuition, communication
PURPLE - spiritual attainment, mystical understanding, enlightenment
GREEN- Mid-green: healing and calming; Light green: versatility; Dark green: jealows
INDIGO- wisdom, inspiration, creativity
taken from "Heal Yourself" by Anne Jones
一, 如果我们之间有1000步的距离, 你只要跨出第1 步, 我就会朝你的方向走其余的999 步
二, 通常愿意留下来跟你争吵的人, 才是真正爱你的人
三, 付出真心才会得到真心, 却也可能伤得彻底, 保持距离, 就能保护自己, 却也注定永远寂寞
四, 有时候, 不是对方不在乎你而是你把对方看得太重
五, 朋友就是把你看透了, 还能喜欢你的人
六, 就算是believe 中间也藏了一个lie
七, 真正的好朋友. 并不是在一起就有聊不完的话题, 而是在一起. 就算不说话, 也不会感到尴尬
八, 没有一百分的另一半, 只有五十分的两个人
九, 为你的难过而快乐的-是敌人; 为你的快乐而快乐的- 是朋友; 为你的难过而难过的- 就是那些该放进心里的人
十, 冷漠 有时候并不是无情, 只是一种避免被伤害的工具
二, 通常愿意留下来跟你争吵的人, 才是真正爱你的人
三, 付出真心才会得到真心, 却也可能伤得彻底, 保持距离, 就能保护自己, 却也注定永远寂寞
四, 有时候, 不是对方不在乎你而是你把对方看得太重
五, 朋友就是把你看透了, 还能喜欢你的人
六, 就算是believe 中间也藏了一个lie
七, 真正的好朋友. 并不是在一起就有聊不完的话题, 而是在一起. 就算不说话, 也不会感到尴尬
八, 没有一百分的另一半, 只有五十分的两个人
九, 为你的难过而快乐的-是敌人; 为你的快乐而快乐的- 是朋友; 为你的难过而难过的- 就是那些该放进心里的人
十, 冷漠 有时候并不是无情, 只是一种避免被伤害的工具
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Farewell 2009
Today, i am on top of the world and excited. 2 farewell had done in one day. What a memory day for me which has make a full stop on the society and uniform. At the crack of dawn, I already woke up, as im too excited of today items , so sleep not very sweet. Anyway, i still very energetic, powerful and excited. This is the condition for me to celebrate the farewell. Although farewell started at 8am , but i already hope for 2hours b4 it.
The time i hv waited finally reached. I go to the BSMM farewell 2009. I already at school and interact with those senior members which I much appreciate them. A good relationship between me and the seniors has formed. Then, we all gather at canteen to have the farewell. The open ceremony had been evented. We had invited by them to enter the canteen with the applaud of members. Some events had been carried out continuously. We all had a surprising , amazing and unexpectable events. Those ajk and helper organise a good plan as the programmes goes smooth until the end. The members who taken part in the items had tried their best to present a 'crazy' performance. We really happy to see that u all can cooperate well. Therefore, we can leave the school without worrying about u all. Happy time always passed in a quick pace. Next , it came to lunch time. A sumptous, tasty, yummy, delicious steamboot for us to taste and this is the last present for us. Also the grand cake lk treble clef for us. A great gratitude are given to them as a return to them.
Moreover, my stomach already full , but clean up the classroom made me hungry again. So , i can afford to go second round. A farewell which organised by SPBT society was carried out at classroom. Haiz! wat again , steamboat. Actually it shud be vr boring to me. As just now I already eat a lot of it in canteen. Now it comes again. But the condition of classroom and the friends made me feel a change or difference in it. In SPBT, at first the room is quiet and all of us just talk to our friends. A closer relationship was not presented at that moment. Then , we come across some events. Those events foster the friendship between every members as well as make our club more unity. Eventually, I hv to go to tuition earlier , so cant have amusement with them. This is what I disappointed. Shortly, today is a memorable, unforgettable and important day.
I left the school. The memories will be kept in my heart and it can last ever and forever. It is unstoppable and no end point.
The time i hv waited finally reached. I go to the BSMM farewell 2009. I already at school and interact with those senior members which I much appreciate them. A good relationship between me and the seniors has formed. Then, we all gather at canteen to have the farewell. The open ceremony had been evented. We had invited by them to enter the canteen with the applaud of members. Some events had been carried out continuously. We all had a surprising , amazing and unexpectable events. Those ajk and helper organise a good plan as the programmes goes smooth until the end. The members who taken part in the items had tried their best to present a 'crazy' performance. We really happy to see that u all can cooperate well. Therefore, we can leave the school without worrying about u all. Happy time always passed in a quick pace. Next , it came to lunch time. A sumptous, tasty, yummy, delicious steamboot for us to taste and this is the last present for us. Also the grand cake lk treble clef for us. A great gratitude are given to them as a return to them.
Moreover, my stomach already full , but clean up the classroom made me hungry again. So , i can afford to go second round. A farewell which organised by SPBT society was carried out at classroom. Haiz! wat again , steamboat. Actually it shud be vr boring to me. As just now I already eat a lot of it in canteen. Now it comes again. But the condition of classroom and the friends made me feel a change or difference in it. In SPBT, at first the room is quiet and all of us just talk to our friends. A closer relationship was not presented at that moment. Then , we come across some events. Those events foster the friendship between every members as well as make our club more unity. Eventually, I hv to go to tuition earlier , so cant have amusement with them. This is what I disappointed. Shortly, today is a memorable, unforgettable and important day.
I left the school. The memories will be kept in my heart and it can last ever and forever. It is unstoppable and no end point.
A great cake!
This cake can show that they really deal in with a large amount of money , so finally we can feel their friendship bond and love bond as well. No matter how, we have 2 go..... WE as x-member will remember and appreciatiate their hardwork forever.
Thank you to all ajk and helper farewell 2009 of bsmm.
善用五种颜色的力量, 让你过得更有力量, 更有活力.
要展现活力, 选择红色吧! 依肤色挑选合适的红色, 若要稳定感或让人觉得你是温暖感的人, 适用红色配件, 可产生由内而外的安定. 注意! 过多红色会造成压逼感, 要聪明配搭.
运用于工作提案及重要会议能加强直觉与理性能力, 让思路清晰, 所以能提出深思熟虑般的意见, 而受到重视. 若本身已非常直率, 具有刚性性格, 减少过多蓝色, 才能缓和过于权威的霸气, 与降低人际关系疏远的可能.
适合各种场合, 尤其是表达关怀, 缓和气氛或工作场合遇到需要谈判情况. 会对粉红产生抗拒, 因为认为柔软是弱者的代表.
工作或社交场合服装, 妆容或配件上运用紫色的优雅特征, 有主动关怀的态度回让人留下好印象.运用紫色又不与人互动, 你会觉得受到冷落而伤心, 不要自建隔阂.
可让你较清楚执行方向. 当你被青色吸引时,表示你应该休息了. 绿色个缓和紧张情绪与强大压力. 想要'吸金' 时, 穿绿色服装或减低对金钱的恐慌.
- 红, 生命力与丰盛的象征, 充满热情,活力的态度, 愤怒和压抑的情绪寻求发泄方法.
- 蓝, 直觉的颜色, 神秘感, 理性与权威, 太过客观造成疏离感.
- 粉红, 温柔甜美的柔和颜色, 化解不安情绪, 爱的颜色, 容易让人忘了自己而造成痛苦.
- 紫- 象征高贵优雅, 代表灵性与治疗服务, 会远离世俗, 忘记现实生活的重要.
- 绿- 带来平静与舒适的空间, 真心的方向, 金钱的颜色.
要展现活力, 选择红色吧! 依肤色挑选合适的红色, 若要稳定感或让人觉得你是温暖感的人, 适用红色配件, 可产生由内而外的安定. 注意! 过多红色会造成压逼感, 要聪明配搭.
运用于工作提案及重要会议能加强直觉与理性能力, 让思路清晰, 所以能提出深思熟虑般的意见, 而受到重视. 若本身已非常直率, 具有刚性性格, 减少过多蓝色, 才能缓和过于权威的霸气, 与降低人际关系疏远的可能.
适合各种场合, 尤其是表达关怀, 缓和气氛或工作场合遇到需要谈判情况. 会对粉红产生抗拒, 因为认为柔软是弱者的代表.
工作或社交场合服装, 妆容或配件上运用紫色的优雅特征, 有主动关怀的态度回让人留下好印象.运用紫色又不与人互动, 你会觉得受到冷落而伤心, 不要自建隔阂.
可让你较清楚执行方向. 当你被青色吸引时,表示你应该休息了. 绿色个缓和紧张情绪与强大压力. 想要'吸金' 时, 穿绿色服装或减低对金钱的恐慌.
- 红, 生命力与丰盛的象征, 充满热情,活力的态度, 愤怒和压抑的情绪寻求发泄方法.
- 蓝, 直觉的颜色, 神秘感, 理性与权威, 太过客观造成疏离感.
- 粉红, 温柔甜美的柔和颜色, 化解不安情绪, 爱的颜色, 容易让人忘了自己而造成痛苦.
- 紫- 象征高贵优雅, 代表灵性与治疗服务, 会远离世俗, 忘记现实生活的重要.
- 绿- 带来平静与舒适的空间, 真心的方向, 金钱的颜色.
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