Today, I went to a tuition class. At first, I feel vr uncomfortable becz when I stepped into the room, I felt this is not a tuition class. It shud be a MARKET!! After that, I'm surprised there got many of my frens especially same class. Although surprise, I still didnt lk the arrangement of tables in room. Its too full and hard to sit well. Its really unconfortable and inconvenient. Wat the hac it is!
No point, I have paid the fees. So , I thk I have to bear in the room 4 3hours. I'm annoyed and irritated at the moment. A few minutes ltr, the tutor came in and walked seriously. In my thought, he is a vr 'dangerous' teacher. But he talked in a good manner and owes joked to us. I hv changed my perception. He is really a good, profesional, resourseful, and kind teacher. That isnt I thk that rude. He taught in a special way. Really a different tutor. No teach knowledge , just teach technique. This is the reason I respect him so much. Bsides, he loves physics so much, until he can respect Archimedes, Newton and Bernoulli as the God. What a good teacher is this! This is 1st special .... teaching style. 2nd special..... really like the physician. A good teacher must have their own concept. i.e.
DONT make noise in class,
DONT write when he talk,
DONT make unnecessarily sound , ....
If u do so, U have to accept the scolding from him. He just a volcano. But its vr powerful. Yr heart will be easily stolen by him... Plz be CAREFUL... 3rd special... his law
This is wat the special tuition is. Finally, I respect him as he respect his 'God' BUT
I hope that he can change his anger into other thing when the students break yr law.
Angry is an expression , it must be expressed out sometimes.... but can express in many other method , NO nid scold... It really not good to health...
At last, thank you so much for yr teaching..... I will rmb and owes think forever.....
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